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System for the Preparation of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Factor Medical has been awarded a group purchasing agreement with Premier effective April 1, 2021.
Platelet Rich Plasma
Interested in becoming a SELPHYL PRP Independent Sales Representative?
SELPHYL PRP tube technology was the most consistent and reproducible system tested in an independent study from Stanford (Dragoo et al.)
Leukocyte poor and red blood cell free (Dragoo et al.)
Low blood draw (9-18ccs) & short spin time (6 min)
Closed system, preloaded with sodium citrate anticoagulant; no buffering required when using sodium citrate vs. ACD-A (Mishra et al.)
Long history of safety and efficacy
4cc & 8cc PRP volumes
Up to 2-year shelf-life
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