System for the Preparation of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Factor Medical has been awarded a group purchasing agreement with Premier effective April 1, 2021.
Platelet Rich Plasma
SELPHYL PRP tube technology was the most consistent and reproducible system tested in an independent study from Stanford (Dragoo et al.)
Leukocyte poor and red blood cell free (Dragoo et al.)
Low blood draw (9-18ccs) & short spin time (6 min)
Closed system, preloaded with sodium citrate anticoagulant; no buffering required when using sodium citrate vs. ACD-A (Mishra et al.)
Long history of safety and efficacy
4cc & 8cc PRP volumes
Up to 2-year shelf-life

Many active patients are familiar with repetitive or overuse injuries that can cause micro tears of the muscle and/or tendon fibers, resulting in weakness and pain at the injury site.
This can be an acute or chronic condition that can affect the normal healing process of the damaged tissue. Recent studies have evaluated the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to treat these conditions.
It's important to speak with your treating physician to learn more about the studies that have been published evaluating the use of PRP.
Patients who are interested in exploring non-surgical treatment options before resorting to surgery may want to consider Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP).
Traditional non-surgical interventions include: Corticosteroid ("cortisone") injections, oral anti-inflammatory medications, exercise and bracing. In many cases these modalities may not cure the condition, whereupon PRP may potentially be of great benefit.
The SELPHYL System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. Many PRP systems require operator skill, have varying results and have extensive contamination with red blood cells and white blood cells. SELPHYL removes virtually all contaminating cells and is not dependent upon operator technique or experience. Think of SELPHYL as the next generation PRP.
The Power of Blood
As part of the body’s capacity to heal itself, platelets and other components in human blood migrate to a site of injury. Platelets are known to release a variety of factors that respond to tissue injury, where they initiate and promote healing. By concentrating platelets at the site of injury, physicians have the potential to enhance the body’s natural capacity for healing.
Platelets Release Growth Factors

Is Platelet Rich Plasma Safe?
For over twenty years, PRP has been used in many different fields of medicine. Research and clinical data show PRP derived from the patient's own blood is safe, with minimal risk of adverse reactions or complications.
Because the platelets are produced from your own blood, there is no risk of rejection or disease transmission. As with any injection into the body, there is a small risk of infection, however it is very rare.
1. Castillo T.N., Dragoo J.L. et al. Comparison of Growth Factors and Platelet Concentrates from Commercial PRP Systems. American Journal of Sports Medicine. February 2011
2. Peerbooms JC, Sluimer J, et al. Am J of Sports Med. 2010; 38:225.
3. Hecthman K, Uribe J, et al. Orthopedics. 2011; 34:2
4. De Vos RJ, Weir A, et al. JAMA. 2010; 303(2):144-149.
5. Barrett S, Erredge S, Podiatry Today. 2004; 17:36-42.
6. Kon E, Filardo G, et al. Injury. 2009; 598-603.
7. Calfee R, Patel A, et al. JAAOS. 2008; 16:19-29.
8. Anitua E, Andia I, et al. Thromb Haemost. 2004; 91(1):4-15.
9. Everts P, Knape J, et al. JECT. 2006; 38:174-187.
10. Gamradt SC, Rodeo S, et al. Tech in Ortho. 2007; 22(1):26-33.
11. Anitua E, Andia I, Ardanza B, Nurden P, Nurden AT. Autologous platelets as a source of proteins for healing and tissue regeneration. Thromb Haemost. 2004; 91(1):4-15
12. Foster TE, Puskas BL, Mandelbaum BR, Gerhardt MB, Rodeo SA. Platelet-rich plasma. Am J Sports Med. 2009; 37:2259-2272.
The SELPHYL® System was cleared for marketing in 510(k) premarket notification number BK170096. Factor Medical, Inc. markets the Autologous Fibrin & Platelet System in this 510(k) under the trade names SELPHYL® and PRFM.
CAUTION: United States Federal law restricts this device to sale and distribution by or on the order of a physician, or to a clinical laboratory; and use is restricted to, by or on the order of a physician.

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Platelet Rich Plasma
Exclusively Distributed by Factor Medical